To know God and to make Him known

Parent Practicum 2025

Participate in discussions and activities that invite you into the math conversation that transcends the ages. Discover how the skills of learning and the numerical domains of mathematics help us to frame questions and find patterns that enable us to see the unseen.

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Parents participating during a Table Talk at their local PracticumPracticum
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What Is Parent Practicum?

Parent Practicum events are hosted around the globe each year, inspiring and equipping parents to become better “everyday educators.” Combining the encouragement of community, integration of ideas, and practice with the classical skills, Parent Practicum is a once-a-year parent investment.

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Refocus, Refuel, Refresh!

Making Homeschool Doable

This was the best Practicum that we have ever attended. We worshipped together, prayed together, and grew together. I’m in awe. It truly blessed us. We feel more equipped.

CC Parent

This was the first [Practicum] I was able to attend and I truly enjoyed it. I gained support and encouragement throughout the entire training.

CC Parent

I was encouraged, challenged, and equipped with new information. I was also reminded of wonderful tools I have used in the past and may need to sharpen a bit. Thank you Classical Conversations!

CC Parent

I love Practicum because it reminds me to stop checking the boxes and pursue truth, beauty, and goodness.

CC Parent

The lost tools of learning we practice at Practicum can benefit everyone! Even if you’re not homeschooling. Even if you’re not parenting. The classical method can help anyone learn anything.

CC Parent

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